Our first batch of labels are pretty much done! We've still got a tiny bit of work to do to make sure they fit with Oklahoma's requirements, but they sure do look pretty. These labels were designed by my future sister-in-law, she'll hopefully be doing most of our design work going forward. here's a sneak preview of what our bottle's might look like
The Doctor's Reserve is going to likely be our first release, sometime in early fall. It's a decently hopped american strong ale with a whole bunch of rye in the mash to create a very distinct character. It'll be fermented with our house yeast strain to add just the right bit of funk.
In addition to that, here's a few others in the works you can look forward to.
Lazy Bully Lager: This'll be our only bottom fermented product. We'll be using an old school steem beer yeast and shooting for a fuller bodied beer with a bready and earthy character. Northern brewer hops and a heavy dose of Munich malt are what set this beer apart.
The Uncle Neal: This beer starts as american stout heavy on the roasted malts, with some nugget hops for a little kick. Fermented with a Belgian yeast strain, this unique brew represents the godfather himself. Thoughtful, but entirely inappropriate.
The Molly Rae: A Classic belgian wit, mainly brewed with unmalted wheat and oats. We'll be going through a traditional multi step mash for this one, and then adding the traditional coriander and orange peel into the kettle, along with a few other herbs and spices from the Doc's medicine cabinet.
Old Country Ale: Amarillo hops, a bit of crystal malt, and our house ale yeast put a unique spin on an old style taste. Sour mashed like a classic Kentucky Common, this is one for the real beer geeks among us.
Snake Oil IPA: A spicy, earthy, and bitter IPA in the British style of things, and again fermented with our house ale yeast.
They'll be out as soon as possible, keep an eye out.
Really looking forward to new beer in Oklahoma. Exciting stuff. Love the name Snake Oil as well.